In my “Closing of the Pool” post, I said I’d look for one thing to love during the dreaded winter season. Well, I found it. The days start getting longer after the winter solstice. It happens slowly but by the end of January we get almost an extra hour of daylight. So that’s it.
After rereading that, I decided I could do better. So I’m going to make a list. Things you can to do to help you while-away the cold winter days. Please feel free to add to it. The only rule is your suggestions have to cost little to nothing.
If you’re a homebody-
1. Light candles throughout the house as soon as evening comes.
2. Read a good book in front of the fireplace or any other cozy spot in the house.
3. Play with your pet/pets. If you don’t have one, go on-line and look at cute puppy/kitten pictures. I highly recommend lovebird sites. They’re the cutest things! Also am a little prejudice…Love you, PJ!
4. When you feel down, make a steaming hot cup of tea, cocoa, flavored coffee.
5. Bake! Fill your home with wonderful smells.
6. Eat those baked goods. Freeze some for the next time you need a winter lift.
7. Background music – Make a playlist that can be played quietly and fill the house with music.
8. Organize one thing. Pick a closet, drawer or cluttered spot. Focus only on that. When you finish, relish in your accomplishment.
9. Look for new recipes. Magazines were always my go-to, but with Pinterest and recipe sites on-line you can have a field day. If you don’t have a Pinterest account, create one. Save all your recipes there.
10. Make grilled cheese and tomato soup. An old favorite!
11. Make sure you have a great pair of slippers. Snuggle in some flannel pajamas.
12. Write or journal or start a blog.
If you’re adventurous and willing to head out in the cold and snow–
1. Visit your library. Stay awhile and skim through a pile of books. Pick some out to take home so you can do #2 in the group above.
2. This might also involve a trip to the library but it’s a great idea. Reread a favorite book from childhood.
3. Walk a mile or two at your local mall. No shopping allowed.
4. Visit the closest park. Take in winter nature, even if you do it from the window of your car.
5. Anything to do with snow. Build a snowman, make a snow angel or just tromp through it.
6. Go outside on a clear night and count the stars.
7. Drink hot chocolate outside.
8. Take a walk under the full moon.
9. Visit the closest lake, river, or pond and take in the winter scene.
10. Go outside and blow bubbles. I read they turn into ice bubbles!
And remember! Feed the birds.