kinds of love


When I began to write, I didn’t realize how much love had to do with it. You have to love what you write, love your characters with all their faults and love the genre you write for. Little did I realize, I infused the story with small pieces from my past. Most involved relationships. And love.

Most books contain something about love; it’s hard not to include it. I’m sure there are examples of books without it but I’m not on a quest to find them. But if we looked hard enough in those types of books, we might find the person’s fondness for his spaceship or the tough girl who keeps an old trinket from childhood tucked away in her back pocket.

So here’s a challenge. For the next week, look for the love in people…places…things. By the end of that week, maybe it will become a habit and feel so natural you can’t stop. Then pass that feeling along. What’s the saying? A little love goes a long way. Happy Valentine’s Day.

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