Today I would like to welcome Sue Gesing, aka Read Around Sue. Authors depend on reviews and are grateful to those people who love to read so much they create a blog! After having a summer of author tips, I thought readers would appreciate a look at books from the other side. Read on for my Q&A with Read Around Sue.
- Tell us about yourself.
I’m a retired kindergarten teacher who has loved to read her entire life. I have two grown children and a husband who support me in all my endeavors. My latest is a cupcake company.
- How many books can you read in a week?
It depends. Sometimes if I am swamped I can read four or five. I don’t like to do that though as I like to read as carefully as I can. I’ve always been a speedy reader!
- Why a review blog?
I knew a lot of independent and small publisher authors need all the support they can get so I decided to go for it and lend them a hand.
- Favorite book genre?
I concentrate mostly on YA and NA but I’ll read anything if it captures my interest.
- Will you review every book sent to you? If not, what won’t you read?
No, I won’t read every book that is sent my way. I never do horror or erotica, they are just not for me.
- Did you always like to read? Favorite book as a child. As an adult.
You bet I have always loved to read! My favorite as a kid was the Mrs. Piggle Wiggle Series by Betty MacDonald. I don’t have a favorite book as an adult because I enjoy too many of them. If I was forced to pick, I couldn’t do it!
- Do you prefer print books or eReader?
Both are fine by me.
- When you review a book, do typographical errors bother you? Would it affect your review?
Oh, you just caught my pet peeve. I hate typos and misused language like their for there. I don’t let it affect my review unless I know the author was the editor and no one else. Then I feel I have to speak up. Some books I’ve read have been spoiled by too many errors.
- I like the fact you will only give three stars or above to books you review. Sometimes you just can’t do that. How do you let an author know you won’t be reading their book after accepting it?
Well, that’s not an easy question. I am sensitive to the fact that an author works hard and loves their book with a passion. I usually just say, I’m sorry your book is not for me. That’s about the kindest way I can think of to do it.
- Do you take genre into consideration? Let’s say, it wasn’t for you, but was a good book.
I don’t really take genre into consideration unless it is in horror or erotica which I don’t read. If a book wasn’t for me but was well written I would give it the review I felt it deserved and try to put my personal feelings aside.
- Can authors directly contact you or do they have to use a blog tour?
Authors can contact me on their own if they wish. Just go to the submission page and follow the instructions. Here is the blog site link again http://readaroundsue.blogspot.com/
- What services do you provide authors?
We can work out just about anything. I have done giveaways, interviews, character interviews and guest blogs.
- And finally, did you ever write a book or want to be an author?
Yes, I wrote a book. It is not for publication but I learned a lot doing it. My dreams of being an author are over and I’m happy to be a reviewer.
Thanks, Nancy for having me today. I enjoyed answering your questions. I am open for submissions at http://readaroundsue.blogspot.com/ if any of your readers are interested. Again, thanks for the opportunity to share my thoughts.